Newsletter- Bahman & Esfand

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 2 months. (Bahman & Esfand)

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding a cultural text about weather

·           Reading and understanding a personalization text

·           Understanding information in sentences and short texts

·           Anticipating the content of a text

·           Reading a text and identifying specific information

·           Understanding general and specific information in a story

·           Understanding specific information about after-school activities in other countries

Writing ·        Writing about the activities the characters are doing

·        Answering questions about actions

·        Completing answers with the words provided

·        Transferring information from a text to make sentences

·        Writing about favourite actions.

Listening ·        Understanding undersand responding to questions

·        Understanding a story

·        Identifying actions in recordings

·        Understanding what other are doing at the moment

·        Understanding specific information in a song about current actions

·        Understanding information in a recorded conversation to ask and answer questions

·        Understanding specific information about after-school activities in other countries

Speaking ·        Suggesting activities for different weather types

·        Acting out a story

·        Describing temperature

·        Describing weather in one’s own countries

·        Repeating words and sentences

·        Chanting and singing

·        Giving information about actions they are doing at the moment of speaking

·        Pronouncing ai and ee correctly

·        Reporting about what others are doing

·        Verbs 1: get up, go to bed, go to school, go home, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner.

·        Verbs 2: eat fruit, drink milk, do my homework, listen to music, play the piano, sing, talk on the phone, tidy.

·        Telling the time: o’clock, half past.

·        Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, never.

·        At + time= He (gets up) at (half past seven)

·        I always (go to bed) at eight o’clock.

·        I never (listen to music).

·        I sometimes (play the piano).

·        I ( do my homework) every day.

·        Plants and trees

·        Different parts of the plant

·        Foods and materials that plants give us

·        What plants need to grow

·        Sources of light

·        How shadows are made

·        Which objects float on or sink in water

·        Reading time

·        Drawing the time and showing it on a clock

·        Telling the time: o’clock, half past.

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل طی دو ماه بهمن و اسفند در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        کلمات مربوط به فعالیت های مختلف

·        کلمات مربوط به ساعت

·        قیود تکرار


دستور زبان
·        At + time= He (gets up) at (half past seven)

·        I always (go to bed) at eight o’clock.

·        I never (listen to music).

·        I sometimes (play the piano).

·        I ( do my homework) every day.


·        گیاهان و درختان

·        قسمتهای مختلف گیاه

·        نیازهای گیاهان

·        منایع نور

·        چگونگی بوجود آمدن سایه

·        شناور بودن یا فرو رفتن اجسام در آب

·        آشنایی با ساعت

·        چگونگی نوشتن  و کشیدن ساعت

Newsletter- Bahman&Esfand

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two months. (Bahman & Esfand)

Skills Contents  
Reading ·        Reading and understanding captions of key words

·        Reading and understanding chant and song text

·        Reading and understanding sentences

·        Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·        Reading and matching the questions and answers

·        Following speech bubbles in a picture story

·        Reading a cultural text about travelling to school

·        reading and understanding a personalization text about going to school

·        reading words and phrases about clothes

·        reading and understanding a cultural text about special clothes

·        reading and matching different uniforms to the related occupations

·        reading and understanding a personalization text about clothes

Writing ·        Writing key words in a sentence

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence about clothes

·        Spelling town words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence

·        Spelling clothes words

·        Spelling simple words including ch and sh

·        Making sentences using but to show contrast

·        Complete the sentences using correct demonstrative pronouns

·        Drawing a dream town and complete the description

·        Using language from the unit to give directions

·        Drawing places in their town

·        Write a description of the clothes he’s wearing now

·        Complete the sentences about clothes using some adjectives

·        Matching spoken words with pictures and sentences about clothes

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Understanding stories

·        Following instructions

·        Understanding and responding to questions

·        Understanding and identifying clothes

·        Understanding questions and making appropriate responses about giving directions

·        Identifying and understanding the differences between demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)

·        Filling in the blanks by listening to particular activities about clothes

·        Filling in the blanks by listening to particular activities about an outdoor activity

·        Listening and extracting information from dialogues in a shop

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs

·        Identifying clothes

·        Describing what you are wearing

·        Describing clothes you would like

·        Understanding and using polite phrases

·        Acting out a story

·        Using new vocabularies in a sentence

·        Giving instructions for others to follow

·        Acting out dialogues and stories

·        Using role-play in the class

·        Asking and answering questions in group activities

·        Asking and answering questions about travelling to school

·        Using language to give directions in his town

·        Talking about ways of going to school in other countries and cultures

·        Asking and answering questions about objects using demonstrative pronouns

·        Asking and answering questions about going to school

·        Pronouncing ch and sh correctly

·        Describing what he is wearing

·        Describing uniforms

·        Describing clothes he would like

·        Asking and answering questions about clothes

·        Asking and answering about wearing special clothes

·        Asking and answering about what he would like


·        Clothes: T- shirt, dress, socks, skirt, shoes, trousers, hat, jacket, jeans, shirt, coat, jumper, glasses, cap, boots, pajamas, trainers.


·        Directions

·        Places in town

·        Clothes

·        Shopping

·        Uniforms


·        I’m wearing (a yellow dress).

·        Are you wearing (blue shoes)? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

·        Is he/she wearing (a cap)? Yes, he is. / N0, she isn’t.

·        What would you like? I’d like (some boots).

·        Would you like (a black jacket)?

·        Yes, I would. / Yes, please.

·        No, I wouldn’t. / No, thank you.


·        Understanding the concept of numbers 10 to 20

·        Writing numbers 10 to 20 in words

·        Classifying different objects (animals, shapes, fruits…)

·        Unit 1 

Dialogue and song

·        Spring is here

·        Where’s the bank / the science museum?

·        May I take the order?

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل طی دو ماه بهمن و اسفند در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        لباس: تی شرت، پیراهن زنانه،جوراب، دامن، کفش، شلوار، کلاه، ژاکت، شلوار جین، پیراهن مردانه، کت، پلوور، عینک، کلاه لبه دار، پیژامه، کفش ورزشی


·        جهت ها، مکان ها در شهر، لباس، خرید، لباس فرم


دستور زبان
 • I’m wearing (a yellow dress).

• Are you wearing (blue shoes)? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

• Is he/she wearing (a cap)? Yes, he is. / N0, she isn’t.

• What would you like? I’d like (some boots).

• Would you like (a black jacket)?

• Yes, I would. / Yes, please.

• No, I wouldn’t. / No, thank you.

·        فهمیدن مفهوم اعداد ۱۰ تا ۲۰

·        نوشتن اعداد ۱۰ تا ۲۰

·        طبقه بندی کردن اشیاء متفاوت (حیوانات، اشکال، میوه ها،…)


·        امتحان درس اول


Newsletter- Dey

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since Dec 22nd to Feb 20st:

·        Letters a, p, s, t (at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map)

·         ay, ai, a-e (day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate)

·        ee, ea (seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat)

Skills Contents

– Identify words using pictures and flash cards:

Feelings: sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

Musical instruments: guitar, violin, piano, drum

– Identify questions and answers:

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

Writing – Tracing and writing:

Feelings: sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

Musical instruments: guitar, violin, piano, drum

– Rewrite and identify the questions and answers:


What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

– Rewrite and identify the sentences:

I am … . / He is … . / She is … . / They are … .

I’m not … . / He’s not … . / She’s not … . / They aren’t … .

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

– Writing the words:

at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map

day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate

seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat

Listening – Understanding the words:

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

guitar, violin, piano, drum

at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map

day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate

seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat

– Understanding the questions and answers:

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

– Songs:

Feelings and family members:

Mum, dad, brother, sister

Speaking I am … . / He is … . / She is … . / They are … .

I’m not … . / He’s not … . / She’s not … . / They aren’t … .

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

– Questions and answers:

What’s this? / What are these?

It’s … . / They’re … .

guitar, violin, piano, drum, mat, cat, tap, map, hay, rain, nail, tail,   cake, lake, gate, seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat




والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱ تا ۳۰ دی ماه  در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


a, p, s, t (at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map)

 ay, ai, a-e (day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate)

ee, ea (seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat)

  • خواندن

شناسای کلمات با استفاده از فلش کارت:


Feelings: sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

سازهای موسیقی:

guitar, violin, piano, drum

تشخیص سؤالات و جواب از روی نوشته:

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

  • نوشتن

رونویسی کلمات (احساسات):

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

سازهای موسیقی:

guitar, violin, piano, drum


at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map

day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate

seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat

بازنویسی سؤال و جواب و جملات:

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

I am … . / He is … . / She is … . / They are … .

I’m not … . / He’s not … . / She’s not … . / They aren’t … .

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

  • آهنگ:

احساسات و اعضای خانواده

Mum, dad, brother, sister

  • فهمیدن کلمات:

احساسات و سازها و متفرقه و سوال و جواب:

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

 guitar, violin, piano, drum

 at, sat, mat, cat, pat, tap, clap, map

 day, pay, hay, rain, nail, tail, cake, lake, gate

 seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

  • مکالمه:

I am … . / He is … . / She is … . / They are … .

I’m not … . / He’s not … . / She’s not … . / They aren’t … .

sad, happy, scared, excited, cold, hot, ill, hurt, tired, bored

What’s this? / What are these? It’s … . / They’re … .

 guitar, violin, piano, drum, mat, cat, tap, map, hay, rain, nail, tail,   cake, lake, gate, seed, feet, bee, pea, seat, leaf, meat

Newsletter- Dey

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since December22 to January 20.


wood, gold, glass, card, paper, wool, metal, silver, plastic


  • past Simple
  • past continuous

Speaking activities:

  • Talking about materials and what they are made of
  • Making questions and asking each other

Listening activities:

  • Transcribing
  • Practicing some homophones

Reading activities:

  • Reading a story
  • Reading about different manmade and natural materials from around the world


  • Identifying the parts of a plant
  • Describing each part’s function
  • Describing the growth and development of a plant

نسخه فارسی: ادامه مطلب


Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since December22 to January 20.


  • Temperature, bad headache, terrible cough, medicine, hospital, worse, better, before, after, mine, library, stomach-ache, lemonade, ice cream, burgers, chocolate, sausages, fruit, days of the week.


  • Simple past # irregular verbs

Speaking activities:

  • Making questions with wh-question words

Reading activities:

  • Reading the text and answering the question
  • Reading the story

Writing activities:

  • Writing about what you do last week


  • /e/ and /i:/ sounds


  • Identifying parts of objects
  • Describing how the parts of an object relate to the whole
  • Comparing and contrasting loud and soft sounds


  • Ordinal and cardinal numbers

نسخه فارسی:  ادامه مطلب


Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 6 weeks since December22nd to 20th January.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding caption of key words

·           Reading and understanding chant and song text

·           Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·           Reading and understanding sentences

·           Following speech bubbles in a picture story

Writing ·        Completing sentences with prepositions

·        Writing sentences describing pictures

·        Describing different rooms in a house

Listening ·        Identifying furniture in recordings

·        Understanding people describing where furniture and household items are.

Speaking ·        Repeating words and sentences

·        Chanting and singing

·        Pronouncing ea anf oi correctly

·        Describing different rooms

·        Talking about furniture and household items

·        Asking and answering questions about rooms and furniture

·        Furniture: mirror, picture, plant, wardrobe

·        Prepositions of place: in front of, next to, behind, opposite, under.

·        Household items: blankets, broom, comb, computer, cupboard, plates, pots, shampoo, shower, toothbrush, toothpaste, towels.

·        Parts of the house: balcony, basement, garage.

·        Was the sofa in front of the lamp?

-Yes, it was.

-No, it wasn’t.

·      The sofa was in front of the TV.

·      Were the pictures next to the cooker?

-Yes, they were.

-No, they weren’t.

·      The pictures were next to the fridge.

·      What was there in the house?

There was a (broom in the living room.)

There were (two chairs in the kitchen.)

·        Doctor and patient
·        Living and non-living things

·        Living things and their features

·        Non-living things and their features

·        Animals and their kids


·        Solid figures (sphere, pyramid, cube, rectangular prism, cone, cylinder)

·        Introducing face, corner, edge

نسخه فارسی: ادامه مطلب

Newsletter- Dey

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since December 22nd to 20th January.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding key words

·           Reading and understanding chant and song text

·           Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·           Reading and understanding sentences

·           Following speech bubbles in a picture story

·           Blending individual sounds and letters to create words

Writing ·        Writing key words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence

·        Writing simple guided sentences

·        Writing a personalization text

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Understanding and identifying weather words

·        Following instructions

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit songs

·        Identifying and describing weather

·        Describing likes and dislikes for weather type

·        Suggesting activities for different weather types

·        Acting out a story

·        Pronouncing ng and nk correctly

·        Asking and answering about weather

·        Asking and answering about likes and dislikes for weather.

·        Asking and answering about today’s weather

·        Weather: sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy, rainy, stormy.

·        Activities: ride a bike, fly a kite, make a snowman, go for a walk, go to the beach, read a book, take a photo, watch TV

·        What’s the weather like? It’s (rainy).

·        On (sunny) days, I like (going for a walk).

·        On (sunny) days, do you like (going for a walk)?

-Yes, I do.

-No, I don’t.

·      On + day: On Mondays, I like (going for a walk.)

·      In + season: In winter, I like (making a snowman.)

·      What’s your favourite season? It’s (spring).



·        Water and its usage

·        How water changes to ice or steam


والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ   ۱ تا ۳۰ دی ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        کلمات مربوط به آب و هوا (ابری، آفتابی، بارانی، برفی، طوفانی و…..)

·        کلمات مربوط به فعالیت های مختلف


دستور زبان
·        What’s the weather like? It’s (rainy).

·        On (sunny) days, I like (going for a walk).

·        On (sunny) days, do you like (going for a walk)?

-Yes, I do.

-No, I don’t.

·      On + day: On Mondays, I like (going for a walk.)

·      In + season: In winter, I like (making a snowman.)

·      What’s your favourite season? It’s (spring).


·        پرسش و پاسخ در مورد آب و هوای مورد علاقه

·        پرسش و پاسخ در مورد فعالیت های مورد علاقه در آب و هوای مشخص


·        آب و موارد استفاده از آن

·        تبدیل آب به یخ در محیط سرد

·        تبدیل آب به بخار در شرایط گرم



Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since December22 to January 20.

Skills Contents
Reading ·        Reading and understanding key words (vet, teacher, pilot, doctor, dentist, journalist, balloon, brush, duck, photo, sunglasses, teddy bear, treasure chest, umbrella, water, transport: [bike, bus, taxi, plane, lorry, motorbike, train], places in town:[museum, hospital, post office, train station, school, sports center]

·        Reading and understanding chant and song text

·        Reading and understanding sentences

·        Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·        Reading and matching the questions and answers

·        Reading the question and complete the answer with  their favorite color

·        Looking at the pictures and reading the name of each character

·        Reading the phrases in the word bank and look at the pictures


Writing ·        Writing key words in a sentence

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence

·        Writing the phrases under the correct pictures

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Understanding a story

·        Following instructions

·        Understanding and responding to questions

·        Listening and pointing to each character

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs

·        Identifying objects, colors and numbers

·        Giving instructions for others to follow

·        Acting out a story


·        Occupations: vet, teacher, pilot, doctor, dentist, journalist, balloon, brush, duck, photo, sunglasses, teddy bear, treasure chest, umbrella, water.

·        Transport: bike, bus, taxi, plane, lorry, motorbike, train.

·         Places in town: museum, hospital, post office, train station, school, sports center.



·        Occupations

·        Greeting

·        colors

·        Transport

·        Places in town


·        How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

·        Is she/ he a (pilot)? Yes, he/ she.   No, she/he isn’t.

·        Do you like (cats)? Yes, I do.  No, I don’t.

·        What color is it?

·        What color are they?

·        I can see ___________.

·        I can’t see __________.

·        What’s this / that?  It’s a (bike).

·        What are these/ those? They’re (cars).

·        How many (bikes) are there?

·        There’s one (blue bike). / There are (ten red bikes).



·        How do animals move?

·        What do animals eat?

·        Where do animals live?

·        Animals are good for us.

·        Animals and their babies

·        Animals and their uses

·        Insects ( useful/ useless)




·        Numbers ( 4 to 9)

·        Identifying sizes (small, medium, big)


         Initial unit


·        Writing the numbers in words ( 1 to 10)

·        The cap seller and the monkeys

·        Animals and their babies

نسخه فارسی ادامه مطلب

Newsletter- Azar96

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since Nov 22nd to Dec 21st:

·        Letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo, Dd, Gg, Ww, Vv, Jj, Xx, Kk, Zz, Yy, Qq
·        School objects
Skills Contents
Reading – Identify words using pictures and flash cards

Apple, ant, tiger, ten, tin, mat, mop, map, ink, in, hat, hot, hen, sun, six, sad, sit, parrot, peg, pan, pen, pot, net, nest, nut, elephant, egg, elbow, olive, orange, on, octopus, duck, doll, dog, dig, goat, garden, gate, red, umbrella, log, bag, fork, cup, rug, bed, cat, run, fig, bus, son, bat, web, wall, water, fan, van, vet, jet, jar, jelly, jump, jug, kite, kitten, key, zoo, zero, yoghurt, yo-yo, queen, box, wet, fox

  • Tracing and writing letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo, Dd, Gg, Ww, Vv, Jj, Xx, Kk, Zz, Yy, Qq
  • Tracing and writing sentences

I am … .

It is a/an … .

This is a/an …

  • Understanding the words

Apple, ant, tiger, ten, tin, mat, mop, map, ink, in, hat, hot, hen, sun, six, sad, sit, parrot, peg, pan, pen, pot, net, nest, nut, elephant, egg, elbow, olive, orange, on, octopus, duck, doll, dog, dig, goat, garden, gate, red, umbrella, log, bag, fork, cup, rug, bed, cat, run, fig, bus, son, bat, web, wall, water, fan, van, vet, jet, jar, jelly, jump, jug, kite, kitten, key, zoo, zero, yoghurt, yo-yo, queen, box, wet, fox


I am hot.

This is a/an … .

It is a/ an … .

:نسخه فارسی

ادامه مطلب

Newsletter- Mehr & Aban

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since September 23 to November 8.


Science, history, geography, school subjects, exam, dictionary, cartoon, weather, documentary, news, comedy, series, sport, quiz, secretary, footballer, actor, journalist, cook, writer, mechanic, pilot, taxi, hotel, police station, restaurant, museum, castle, theater, post office, permanent, incisors, canine, premolars, molars.


  • Simple present
  • Past tense
  • Present continuous
  • be+ going to+ verb
  • I’m going to be a dentist.

Speaking activities:

  • Asking for directions
  • Talking about the different programmes.

Writing activities:

  • Writing about your plans for the next week
  • Writing about a job someone in your family does
  • Writing about a picture
  • Writing about their favorite day of last week and writing about what they did and why do they like it.

Reading activities:

Summary of a story


  • Ordinal and cardinal numbers


Classify plants based on their characteristics.

نسخه فارسی: ادامه مطلب