
Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in one month since 23rd September to 21st October.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Understanding information in sentences and short texts

·           Anticipating the concept of a text

·           Reading a text and identifying specific information

·           Understanding general and specific information

Writing ·        Writing about the activities the characters are doing

·        Answering questions about actions

·        Completing answers with the words provided

·        Transferring information  from a text to make sentences

Listening ·        Identifying actions in recording

·        Understanding what others are doing at the moment

·        Understanding specific information in a song about current actions

·        Understanding information in a recorded conversation to ask and answer questions

·        Understanding general and specific information in a story

Speaking ·        Repeating words and sentences

·        Chanting and singing

·        Giving information about actions they are doing at the moment of speaking

·        Pronouncing ai and ee correctly

·        Reporting about what others are doing


·        Verb 1 : get up, go to bed, go to school, go home, have breakfast, have lunch.

·        Verb 2: eat fruit, drink milk, do my homework, listen to music, play the piano, sing, talk on the phone.

·        Telling the time: o’clock, half past

·        Frequency adverbs: always, sometimes, never, everyday


·        At + time: He (gets up) at (half past seven).

·        I always (go to bed) at eight o’clock.

·        I never (listen to music).

·        I sometimes (play the piano).

·        I (do my homework) every day.

نسخه فارسی:

                                                                                             والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می‌رساند مطالب ذیل در مهر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        فعالیت های روتین روزانه

·        خواندن ساعت

·        قیود تکرار


دستور زبان
·        At + time: He (gets up) at (half past seven).

·        I always (go to bed) at eight o’clock.

·        I never (listen to music).

·        I sometimes (play the piano).

·        I (do my homework) every day.

Newsletter-Mehr97- Ms. Malek

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 23rd September to 22nd October.  

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Understanding information in sentences and short texts

·           Understanding general and specific information in short texts and questions

Writing ·        Writing CVC words

·        Completing sentences with correct word

·        Providing written answers to questions

·        Writing the questions and answering them

Listening ·        Understanding teacher while speaking

·        Listening to words and sentences and repeating them

Speaking ·        Saying words and sentences

·        Saying classroom rules

·        Answering to questions

·        School objects: pen, pencil, bag, eraser, ruler, notebook, book and etc.

·        Feeling adjectives: hot, cold, ill, hurt, scared, angry, hungry, exited and etc.


·        What is your name? My name is (Ali).

·        How old are you? I am (8)

·        What is his name? His name is (kian)

·        What is your favorite color? My favorite color is (red)

·        Are you (sad)?   Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

·        Is she (cold)?  Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

( sad, happy, ill, hurt, scared, tired, bored, cold, hot, thirsty, hungry, angry, excited)

·        Is he (cold)?  Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

·        What’s this?  It’s a (pink) (pen).

·        Where are you from? I am from (Iran).

·        Where is he from? He is from (Italy)

·        What is that? It is a (red) (pencil case).

·        What are these? They are (cars).

·        What are those? They are (hats).

·        What is your English teacher’s name?

She is Miss Malek.

·        What is your favorite lesson?

My favorite lesson is (English).

·        How many (books) can you see?

 I can see (3) (books).

·        What can you see in your class?

(I can see a board)

·         Have you got (a pen)? Yes, I have got a pen. No, I haven’t got a pen.

نسخه فارسی:

                                                                                                     والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می‌رساند مطالب ذیل از تاریخ۱ مهر ماه تا ۳۰ مهر در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط به وسایل مدرسه

·        صفت های مربوط به احساسات

·         رنگ ها

·        افعال to be


دستور زبان
·        Wh- questions (what, where) and be verbs

What is this?

Where are you from?

·        Have you got….?yes- no…..


Newsletter-Mehr 97-Ms. Farahbakhsh

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in October.

Skills Contents
Reading ·         Identifying and reading alphabet letters (A to Z)

·         Identifying and reading simple words

·         Identifying and reading simple phrases and sentences

·         Identifying and reading given questions and answer

·         Identifying and reading specific words (school objects, colours, numbers…)

Writing ·         Writing simple words and phrases

·         Writing simple sentences and questions

Listening ·         Understanding songs and chants

·         Distinguishing colours, objects, demonstrative adjectives in educational videos

Speaking ·        Greetings: Hello! / How are you? / I’m fine thank you. / What’s your name?

·        What day is it today? It’s…

·        How’s the weather today? It’s (sunny, rainy, snowy…).

·        What is this?

·        What is that?

·        What are these?

·        What are those?

·        What colour is it?

·        How many….can you see?

·        What’s your favorite colour?


·        Demonstrative adjectives worksheet (this, that, these, those)

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

:احتراماً به اطلاع می‌رساند مطالب ذیل در مهر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        مرور حروف الفبا و صدای آن

·        تمرین و خواندن کلمات کار شده

·        تمرین و خواندن جملات و عبارات کوتاه و ساده

·        تمرین و خواندن سوالات تمرین شده

·        خواندن و نوشتن کلمات ساده

·        خواندن و نوشتن جملات ساده

·        جایگزینی کلمات مناسب در جملات و سوالات

·        مرور سوال و جوابهای مرتبط با دروس کتاب


کاربرگ ها
 کاربرگ مربوط به this, that, these, those

Newsletter- Mehr97

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 21st Sep. to 22nd Oct.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Understanding the words and simple sentences contain the letters sound ay, ai, a-e
Writing ·        Writing the words and simple sentences with ay, ai, a-e
Listening ·        Listen to the listening of the words contain the letters sound ay ,ai, a-e and the related alphablocks

·        Listen to the different emotions (happy, sad, angry, hungry, scared)

Speaking ·        Repeat the letters sound ai, ay, a-e

·        Repeat simple words containing the letters sound ai, ay, a-e

·        Repeat and say the tricky words his, her, this, the , my in the context

·        Family words (father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle )

·        Words contain the letters ay, ai, a-e ( lay, hay, gain ,tail, lake, take, cake, nail, grape, day, nail, pay )

Songs and videos
·        Alphablocks of the sound ay, ai, a-e

·        Different emotions

·        Find words

·        Playing with the balloons of emotions

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل از تاریخ ۱مهر ماه تا پایان مهر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        کلمات و جملات ساده شامل کلماتی که حاوی حروف ay، ai و a-e باشند.

·        واژگان مربوط به خانواده


شعر و فیلم

·        فیلم مربوط به حروف ay، ai و a-e

·        فیلم مربوط به احساسات مختلف

Newsletter- Ordibehesht2

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two months since May 5to May 30.


Loud, quiet, big, heavy, long, tall, bad, good, beautiful, exciting, boring, clever, worst, composer, bumblebee, whale.


Superlative adjectives

Speaking activities:

  • Asking their friends about their family

    Reading activities:

  • Reading the text and answering the question
  • Reading the story

Writing activities:

  • Making sentences with superlative adjectives

Listening activities:

  • Transcribing


  • Observing and describing how magnets interact with other objects
  • Reviewing science words 


  • Calendar

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل طی دو هفته آخر اردیبهشت و خرداد ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


بلند، آرام، بزرگ، سنگین، دراز،بد، خوب،زیبا،هیجان انگیز،کسل کننده، باهوش،بدترین،آهنگ ساز، زنبور عسل،وال.


صفتهای عالی

فعالیت های صحبت کردن:

سوال پرسیدن ازدوستانشان درباره خانواده هایشان

فعالیت های خواندن:

خواندن متن و جواب دادن به سوالات

خواندن داستان

فعالیت های نوشتن:

جمله درست کردن با صفتهای عالی

فعالیت های شنیداری:

یاد داشت برداری از تمرینات شنیداری کتاب


مشاهده و توصیف اینکه چگونه آهن ربا روی اشیاء دیگر اثر می گذارد.

مرور لغات علوم



Newsletter- Ordibehesht2

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two months since May 5 to May 30.

Skills Contents
Reading ·        Reading and understanding captions of key words

·        Reading and understanding chant and song text

·        Reading and understanding sentences

·        Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·        Reading and matching the questions and answers

·        Following speech bubbles in a picture story

·        Reading words and phrases about weather

·        Blending individual sounds and letters to create words

·        Reading and understanding a cultural text about weather

·        Reading and understanding a personalization text

·        reading and spelling words containing ng and nk sounds

Writing ·        Writing key words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence about weather

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Understanding stories

·        Following instructions

·        Understanding and responding to questions

·        Understanding and identifying weather words

·        Understanding a story

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs

·        Identifying and describing weather

·        Describing likes and dislikes for weather types

·        Suggesting activities for different weather types

·        Asking and answering about today’s weather

·        Asking and answering about weather

·        Asking and answering about likes and dislikes for weather

·        pronouncing ng and nk correctly

 ·        Weather: sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy, rainy, stormy.

·        Activities: ride a bike, fly a kite, make a snowman, go for a walk, go to the beach, read a book, take a photo, watch TV.

 ·        Measuring temperature

·        Weather around the world

·        In + season: In summer, I like (going to the beach).

·        What’s your favorite season? It’s (spring).

·        Understanding  how things change (Before, After)

·        Writing  numbers 19 and 20 in a correct direction

·        Understanding  the concept of More, Fewer, Equal to

·        Review worksheets
·        Quiz: Unit 3
 ·        What day is today?


نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل طی دو هفته آخر اردیبهشت و خرداد ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        آب و هوا: آفتابی، ابری، برفی، بادی، بارانی، طوفانی.

·        فعالیتها: دوچرخه راندن، بادبادک هوا کردن،آدم برفی درست کردن،پیاده روی رفتن،به ساحل رفتن، کتاب خواندن، عکس گرفتن، تلویزیون تماشا کردن


·        اندازه گیری دما

·        آب و هوای در سراسر جهان


دستور زبان
•       In + season: In summer, I like (going to the beach).

•        What’s your favorite season? It’s (spring).


·        فهمیدن اینکه چگونه چیزها تغییر می کنند(قبل ، بعد)

·        نوشتن اعداد ۱۹ و ۲۰ در جهت درست

·        فهمیدن مفاهیم بیشتر، کمتر، برابر


·        کاربرگ های مربوط به درس های آموزش داده شده


·        امتحان درس سوم

·        امتحان ارزشیابی کلی در داخل کلاس


·        امروز چه روزی است؟


Newsletter- Ordibehesht2

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two months since May 5 to May 30. 


  • Vocabularies of Kid’s box 5 book

Wash, jump, paint, cook, walk, start, golf, athletics, snowboarding, skiing, sledging, hill, spring, summer, autumn, winter, holiday, invent, Ancient Egyptians, exercise,treasure,dangerous.

  • Vocabularies of Science book

Habitat, endangered animals, food chain, camouflage.


Present perfect tense

Writing activities:

  • Writing a report about their class

Listening activities:

  • Transcribing

Reading activities:

  • Reading a story
  • Reading the text and answering the question


  • Identifying features that enable animals to live in various habitats.
  • Explaining how animals depend on plants and other animals for food.
  • Naming some ways animals protect themselves.


  • Mass & weight word problems


نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل طی دو هفته آخر اردیبهشت و خرداد ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


کتاب Kid’s box 5 :

شستن،پریدن،رنگ آمیزی کردن،پختن، رنگ آمیزی کردن،پختن،راه رفتن، شروع کردن،گلف، ورزشکاران،اسنوبورد بازی کردن، اسکی کردن، سورتمه راندن، تپه، بهار،تابستان،پاییز،زمستان، تعطیلات،اختراع کردن، مصریان باستان، تمرین کردن،جواهرات، خطرناک.

کتاب علوم:

زیستگاه، حیوانات درمعرض خطر، زنجیره غذایی، استتار کردن

دستو زبان:

زمان حال کامل

فعالیت های نوشتاری:

نوشتن یک گزارش درباره کلاس شان

فعالیت های شنیداری:

یاد داشت برداری از تمرینات شنیداری کتاب

فعالیت های خواندن:

خواندن داستان

خواندن متن و جواب دادن به سوالات


تشخیص دادن ویژگیهایی که حیوانات را قادر به زندگی کردن در زیستگاههای متفاوت می کند.

توضیح اینکه چگونه حیوانات به گیاهان و حیوانات دیگربرای غذا وابسته هستند.

نام بردن بعضی از شیوه هایی که حیوانات از خودشان محافظت می کنند.


مسائل کلمات مربوط به حجم و وزن

Newsletter- Ordibehesht2

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 5th to 3oth May.




·           Understanding information in sentences and short texts (about rainforests)

·           Understanding general and specific information in short texts about nature and rainforests

·           Understanding general and specific information about forests around the world

·           CLIL (Geography): The Amazon Rainforest


·        Writing nature words

·        Completing sentences with prepositions

·        Providing written answers to questions


·        Identifying places and elements in rainforests

·        Listening to words and sentences and repeating them


·        Saying words and sentences about nature and rainforests

·        Chanting and singing

·        Nature 1: bridge, hut, nest, valley, vines, waterfall

·        Prepositions of place: between, near, over

·        Nature 2: coast, hills, lake, sea

·        Prepositions of movement: across, around, past, towards, through

·        Where’s the (bridge)?

·        It’s (over the pond).

·        Where are the huts?

·        They’re (between the valley and the waterfall).

·        Did you walk around the lake?

·        Yes, I did.

·        No, I didn’t.

نسخه فارسی:

                                                                                                     والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل از تاریخ ۱۵ اردیبهشت ماه تا ۹ خرداد در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط به طبیعت

·        اشنایی با حروف اضافه مکان

·        اشنایی با حروف اضافه  حرکتی

دستور زبان

·        Where’s the (bridge)?

·        It’s (over the pond).

·        Where are the huts?

·        They’re (between the valley and the waterfall).

·        Did you walk around the lake?

·        Yes, I did.

·        No, I didn’t.

Newsletter- Ordibehesht

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 5th to 30th May.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding key words

·           Reading and understanding chants and songs

·           Reading and understanding speech bubbles

·           Reading and understanding sentences

Writing ·        Writing key words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence.

·        Writing guided sentences

Listening ·        Identifying a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Following instructions

·        Understanding and responding to questions

·        Understanding a reading text

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs.

·        Identifying objects, dates and verbs in the past

·        Giving instructions for others to follow

·        Toys: doll, jigsaw puzzle, colouring book, modelling clay, robot, kite, train set, board game.

·        Ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd .

·        Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.


·        Regular simple past: I/ You/ He/ She/ They walked to school.

·        Past verbs: listened, opened, played, walked, watched, talked.

نسخه فارسی:

                                                                                                 والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل از تاریخ ۱۵ اردیبهشت ماه تا ۹ خرداد در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات  مربوز وسایل بازی

·        اعداد ترتیبی

·        ماه های سال

دستور زبان

·        Regular simple past: I/ You/ He/ She/ They walked to school.

·        Past verbs: listened, opened, played, walked, watched, talked.

Newsletter- Ordibehesht

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in a month since May 5th to May 30th:

·        Review of all the previous sessions )Units 1 and 2(

Skills Contents
Reading Review of all the previous sessions Unit 1 – ۳

Math Unit 1 – ۱۰

Science Unit 1 – 4

Writing Review of all the previous sessions Unit 1 – ۳

Math Unit 1 – ۱۰

Science Unit 1 – 4

Listening Review of all the previous sessions Unit 1 – ۳

Math Unit 1 – ۱۰

Science Unit 1 – ۴

Movie Day

Alphablocks (Phonics)

Letters Factory (Phonics)

Little Baby Bum (Seasons, Colors, Shapes, Alphabet and phonics)


Review of all the previous sessions Unit 1 – ۳

Math Unit 1 – ۱۰

      Science Unit 1 – 4

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می رساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱۵ اردیبهشت تا ۹ خرداد ماه  در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

در تمامی بخش ها دروس کل سال مرور و جمع بندی شده اند