Newsletter-Azar 97-G6- Ms.Mohebbi

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two since 24th of November to 19th of December.

Skills Contents
Reading ·        The learner can identify different directions.

·        The learner can identify different places.

·        The learner can understand a story and its sequence of events of events in a story.

·        The learner can read the main idea of a text.

·        The learner can read and understand a text about different directions.

·        The learner can read and understand a text about different places.

Writing ·        The learner can write about the different directions.

·        The learner can write about different places.

·        The learner can write about their town.

Listening ·        The learner can identify different directions.

·        The learner can identify different places.

·        The learner can identify details about giving address.

Speaking ·        The learner can ask and answer about different directions.

·        The learner can ask and answer about different places.

·        The learner can ask and answer about giving address.

·        The learner can talk about Yalda Night

·        Directions: right, left, straight on, corner, past, across, along.

·        Places: cinema, theater, swimming pool, café, bank, fire station, computer shop, bus station, supermarket, train station, playground.

·        Giving address: turn right, turn left, go straight on, across the… , past the …… , go along the …. ,



والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط به  مکان های مختلف .

·        کلمات مربوط به  آدرس دادن.

·        کنفرانس درباره شب یلدا


دستور زبان
·        Giving address: turn right, turn left, go straight on, across the… , past the …… , go along the …. , .

Newsletter-Azar 97-G6- Ms. Abolfathi

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two since  November 24th – December 19th .

Skills Contents
Reading ·        The learner can read and understand school projects about collections, finding specific information.
The learner can read and understand a vacation brochure. (Read about a dolphin encounter vacation.)
The learner can read the main idea of a text.
The learner can read and understand a story; reading and matching specific actions with characters.
Writing ·        The learner can write punctuation, question marks, commas, and periods.
The learner can use spelling rules for present progressive.
The learner can use quotation marks.
Listening ·        The learner can identify details about collections.
The learner can identify details about beach activities.
The learner can identify different frames of a cartoon strip.
Speaking ·        The learner can ask and answer collections.

·        The learner can describe different frames of a cartoon strip.
The learner can write about what you like doing on the beach

·         My things :

computer , TV , DVD player , CD player , MP3 player , camera , turn on , turn off , stickers , posters , comics , post cards , pins , shells .

·        Swim , sail , dive , surf , kayak , windsurf , snorkel , waterski , polluted , clean , dangerous , safe, beautiful , ugly .|
Penguin , zebra , monkey , kangaroo , camel , lizard , flamingo , crocodile , angry , scared , free , sorry , funny , kind .

·        This is your CD .
I am swimming .
He is sailing.
Are you reading?
No, I’m not.
Yes, I am.

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


 My things : computer , TV , DVD player , CD player , MP3 player , camera , turn on , turn off , stickers , posters , comics , post cards , pins , shells .

Swim , sail , dive , surf , kayak , windsurf , snorkel , waterski , polluted , clean , dangerous , safe, beautiful , ugly .|

·        Penguin , zebra , monkey , kangaroo , camel , lizard , flamingo , crocodile , angry , scared , free , sorry , funny , kind .

دستور زبان

-This is your CD .



-I am swimming .

-He is sailing .

-Are you reading ?

No , I’m not .

Yes , I am


Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 24th November to 19th December.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding information in sentences and short texts (weather and seasonal activities).

·           Reading and understanding sequencing words in a weather forecast.

·           Reading and understanding general and specific information in short text

·           Reading and understanding chant and song text

·           Reading the time

·           Reading and understanding speech bubbles in a picture story

·           Blending individual sounds and letters to create words

·           Reading and understanding personalization text about daily routines

·           Reading and understanding information in sentences and short text ( weather and season activities)

·           Reading and understanding a time table

·           Reading the predictions of the weather

·           Reading and understanding a text (why is the sea salty?)

·           Looking up the words, understanding and reading definitions and examples

·           Reading and closing the story and reviewing the Quest items

Writing ·        Writing predictions about the weather.

·        Writing about seasonal activities.

·        Completing sentences using sequencing words.

·        Providing written answers to questions

·        Reading and matching halves to make sentences.

·        Being able to use a dictionary and write definitions.

Listening ·        Identifying information about the weather and seasonal activities.

·        Listening to words and sentences and repeat them

·        Identifying information about sea and natural disasters.

·        Understanding specific information in a song about the weather and seasonal activities

·        Understanding general and specific information in weather forecasts.

·        Practicing the Quest items in a song: to revise vocabulary and structures from all units.

·        Understanding about Bonfire Night.

Speaking ·        Being able to say words and sentences about the weather and seasonal activities.

·        Chanting and singing songs

·        Pronouncing consonant diagraph ft, pm, nd, nt, sk, sp, and st.

·        Being able to say sentences from the Look! Boxes.

·        Being able to ask and answer about holidays.

·        Participating in a dialogue about a weather forecast.

·        Exchanging information about natural disasters in other parts of the world.

·         Exchanging information about Red Sea.

·        Being able to ask and answer questions posed by the teacher and classmates.

·        Being able to make sentences for words given from the dictionary.

·        Practicing the Quest items in a song: to revise vocabulary and structures from all units.

·        Being able to answer and talk about Bonfire Night.

·        Being able to present a role in a drama.

·        Weather: degrees, humid, lightening, stormy, temperature, thunder, warm, wet.

·        Seasonal activities: go camping, go hiking, go shopping, go snowboarding, go swimming, go waterskiing.

·        Quest items.

·        Bonfire, firework, firework display, hot dog, sparkler, toffee apple.



·        What will the weather be like?

·        It will be snowy.

·        It might be wet.

·        I, you, she, he, we, they will go snowboarding.

·        I, you, she, he, we, they won’t go hiking.

·        I, you, she, he, we, they might go shopping.

·        CLIL: The Red Sea: leatherback turtle, lionfish, hammerhead shark, coral reefs, scuba diver.


نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱   آذر  تا ۳۰ آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        آب و هوا

·        پیش بینی هوا

·        حوادث طبیعی

·        افعال مربوط به درس در دیکشنری


دستور زبان
·        استفاده از گرامر و ساختار جلمه برای پیشبینی آینده

·        استفاده از دستور زبان لازم برای پیش بینی آب و هوا


·         تمرین نمایش جک و لوبیای سحرآمیز


مرور نهایی کتاب

·         تمرینات و مرور لازم جهت اتمام کتاب

Newsletter-Azar97- G4

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 22nd of November to 21st of December.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           The learner can read and understand captions of keywords.

·           The learner can read and understand chant and song text.

·           The learner can read and understand speech bubbles.

·           The learner can read and understand sentences.

·           The learner can read and understand a story.

·           The learner can blend individual sounds and letters to create words.

·           The learner can read and understand a cultural text about sport.

·           The learner can read and understand a short reading text.

·           The learner can read and understand a personalization text.

·           The learner can read and understand the vocabularies in OPD

Writing ·        The learner can write key words.

·        The learner can write key words or phrases in a sentence.

·        The learner can write guided sentences.

·        The learner can write a personalization text.

·        The learner can write sentences related to vocabularies in OPD

·        The learner can write about different breakfasts

·        The learner can write the answers of questions

·        The learner can write about activities he could do in the past.

Listening ·        The learner can identify a dialogue.

·        The learner can understand chant and song text.

·        The learner can follow the instructions

·        The learner can understand and respond to questions.

·        The learner can understand and identify objects or pictures.

·        The learner can understand and identify numbers.

The learner can understand and identify the song ( extra activity)

·        The learner can understand and identify the video.

Speaking ·        The learner can chant and sing the unit chant and songs.

·        The learner can identify where you were in the past.

·        The learner can give instructions for others to follow

·        The learner can act out a story.

·        The learner can pronounce ow and oy correctly.

·        The learner can use language to play a game.

·        The learner can ask and answer questions about past events.

·        The learner can ask and answer questions about of his ability in the past and future.

·        The learner can ask and answer questions about what people could or can do.

·        Activities 1: throw, catch, run, walk, talk, swim, roller-skate.

·        Activities 2: use a mobile phone, write an email, use a computer, drive a car, ride a bike, ride a motorbike, speak English.


·        CLIL: history (people in the past): in the past, (using technology): smartphone, tablet.

·        Songs and chants: I couldn’t throw a ball, look for sunglasses, could you ride a motorbike? If you’re wearing red….

·        What could you do when you were (six)? I could (talk).

·        I couldn’t (swim).

·        Could you (ride a bike) when you were (seven)? Yes, I could. No, I couldn’t.

·        Tom couldn’t (ride a bike) when he was (seven). He can (ride a bike) now.

Animals: how do animals move? What do animals need to live? What are baby animals like? How do animals take care of their babies? What do we call baby animals?

Vocabulary: hop, jump, walk, run, fly, swim, and crawl.

Feathers, fur, scales, shell.

Air, food, water.

Adult, baby, grow.

Protect, feed, teach, clean.

Chick, foal, calf, kid, puppy, lamb, kitten, cub.


Individual sports: Pitch, hit, throw, catch, kick, tackle, pass, shoot, jump, dribble, dive, swim, stretch, exercise, bend, serve, swing, start, race, finish, skate, ski.

I can (throw), but I can’t (catch).

Back from the market: fish, meat, chicken, cheese, milk, butter, eggs, vegetables, fruit, rice, bread, pasta, grocery bag, shopping bag, shopping list, coupons.

Do we need eggs? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱ تا ۳۰ آّذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط  به ورزش

·        کلمات مربوط به مواد غذایی


·        بچه های حیوانات و نگهداری والدین حیوانات از بچه های خود

·        پوشش بدن حیوانات


Newsletter- Azar97

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered since November 24th to December 19th.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Reading and understanding a cultural text about where we play.

·           Reading and understanding a personalization text.

·           Reading and understanding captions of key words.

·           Reading and understanding dialogues

·           Reading and understanding sentences and stories

Writing ·        Writing a personalization text

·        Writing guided sentences

·        Writing key words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentence

Listening ·        Understanding general and specific information in a story

·        Understanding and identifying numbers

·        Identifying a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

Speaking ·        Acting out a story

·        Pronouncing igh and oa correctly

·        Using language to play a game

·        Chanting and singing the unit chants and songs

·        Identifying objects in a picture




·        Nature and animals: catch butterflies, pick the flowers, throw stones, water the flowers, feed the birds, be kind to animals, walk on the grass, and drop litter.

·        Toys: doll, jigsaw puzzle, coloring book, modelling clay, robot, kite, train set, board game.



·        There’s a…….

·        There are some……

·        There isn’t a ……..

·        There aren’t any……….

·        Is there a…………?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

·        Are there any………..?

Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

·        We must………

·        We mustn’t……….


·        Different kind of seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)

·        Different kinds of weather (rainy, sunny, windy, snowy)

·        Introduce spring and its features





·        Review 2-digit numbers

·        Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers






والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط به کارهایی که ما انجام می دهیم.

·        کلمات مربوط به طبیعت و حیوانات


دستور زبان
·        There’s a…….

·        There are some……

·        There isn’t a ……..

·        There aren’t any……….

·        Is there a…………?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

·        Are there any………..?

Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

·        We must………

·        We mustn’t……….

·        معرفی فصل ها

·        مرور انواع آب و هوا

·        معرفی فصل بهار و ویژگی های آن


·        مرور اعداد دو رقمی

·        جمع و تفریق اعداد دو رقمی

Newsletter-Azar97- Ms. Farahbakhsh

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in one months since November 24th to December 19th.

Skills Contents
Reading ·        Reading and understanding captions of key words

·        Reading and understanding chant and song text

·        Reading and understanding sentences

·        Blending individual sounds and letters to create words

Writing ·        Writing key words

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentences

·        Writing answers to questions

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Understanding parts of the body

·        Understanding and demonstrating actions

·        Following instructions

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs (birthday song)

·        Identifying parts of the body (toes, nose, feet, head, arms,…)

·        Giving instructions using action verbs

·        Describing personal ability

·        Review occupations: vet, pilot, doctor, teacher, dentist, police officer, and journalist.

·        Verbs of movement: nod your head, stamp your feet, wave/stretch your arms/fingers, clap your hands, move your legs, touch your nose.

·        Action verbs: swim, run, jump, skip, and hop.

·        Other: football player, basketball player

·        How old are you?

·        How many….have you got?

·        Where do you live?

·        Imperative: Touch your toes

·        Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her.

·        I can / can’t (jump). She/ He can / can’t (jump).

·        Can you jump?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

·        Can he / she jump?

Yes, he / she can.

No, he / she can’t.


·        Review numbers

·        Addition (3+4= 7)


نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل طی آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        مرور شغل ها

·        افعال حرکتی

·        افعال مربوط به فعالیت های فیزیکی


دستور زبان

·        How old are you?

·        How many….have you got?

·        Where do you live?

·        Imperative: Touch your toes

·        Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her.

·        I can / can’t (jump). She/ He can / can’t (jump).

·        Can you jump?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

·        Can he / she jump?

Yes, he / she can.

·        No, he / she can’t.

·        مرور اعداد

·        عمل جمع بستن اعداد

Newsletter-Azar97-Ms. Malek

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in one months since 24th  of November to 19th of December.

Skills Contents  
Reading ·        Reading and understanding captions of key words.

·        Reading and understanding chant and song text.

·        Reading and understanding speech bubbles.

·        Reading and understanding speech bubbles in a picture story.

·        Reading and understanding sentences

·        Blending individual sounds and letters to create words

·        Reading and understanding a cultural text about faces in art.

·        Reading and understanding a personalization text.

Writing ·        Writing key words.

·        Writing key words or phrases in a sentences.

·        Writing guided sentences.

·        Writing answers to questions.

·        Writing a personalization text.

Listening ·        Understanding a dialogue

·        Understanding chants and songs

·        Following instructions

·        Understanding and responding to questions

·        Understanding and identifying parts of the body.

·        Understanding and identifying actions.

·        Understanding and identifying objects or pictures.

·        Can understand a story.

Speaking ·        Chanting and singing the unit chant and songs

·        Understanding and identifying parts of the body

·        Being able to give instructions using action verbs

·        Being able to describe personal ability and that of others

·        Being able to act out a story

·        Being able to pronounce ck and c, k correctly

·        Being able to ask and answer questions about ability.


·        Verbs of movement: nod your head, stamp your feet, wave/ stretch your arms/ fingers, clap your hands, move your legs, touch your nose.

·        Action verbs: swim, run, jump, skip, hop.

·        Other: football player, basketball player, athlete

·        Imperative: touch your toes.

·        Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, our, their.

·        I can/ can’t (jump).

·        He/ she can/ can’t (skip).

·        Can you (jump)? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

·        Can she (jump)? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.

·        CLIL (P.E.): pull, push, kick, skip.

·        Culture (faces in art): eyes, ears, mouth, nose, teeth, hair, statue, mosaic, painting, mask, collage.

·        Songs: I can wave my hands. Look for milk. It’s my birthday.

·        Rules of the class: A. Set your desk. B. Set your chair. C.

Be quiet. D. Be polite. E. Listen to your teacher. F. Students on the right go to the right, students on the left go to the left. G. Lean back. H. Take turns. I. Don’t shout.

·        Can you (wave your hands)? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

·        Can he (stamp your feet)? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

·        Sing the song and do the actions (happy birthday) p. 42.

·        Sing the song and do the actions (I can) p. 40.

·        What is your exercise routine? First, I (wave my arms). Then, I (touch my toes). Next, I (move my legs). Finally, I (clap my hands).

·        Activities: nod your head. Move your legs, stamp your feet, wave your arms, touch your nose, clap your hands, stretch your arms, swim, jump, run, skip, hop, kick, push, pull.

·        ۲ + ۳= ۵ (two) plus (three) is (five).


·        Addition: 1+2=3

One plus two is three.

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل طی آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        اعضای بدن

·        افعال مربوط به حرکت

·        کلمات مربوط به ورزش



·        جمع اعداد


Newsletter- Azar97-Ms. Mohebbi

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 24th of November to 21st of December.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           Understanding the letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·           Understanding the simple words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·           Reading and comprehending 3 letters words.

·           Understanding the CVC words with the letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo. (pat, pam, pot, pan, hat, hit, hot,… )

·           Understanding the tricky words I, have, a, the, The, is.

·           Understanding the prayer.

·           Understanding the simple sentences with the words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

Writing ·        Writing the letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Tracing the 3 letters words.

·        Writing the simple words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Writing the tricky words I, have, a, the, The, is.

·        Writing the simple sentences with the words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

Listening ·        Listen to the letters sounds Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Listen to the simple words beginning Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Listen to different actions: touch, move, sit down, open, close, and stand up.

·        Listen to the prayer.

Speaking ·        Repeat the letters sounds Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Repeat simple words beginning with the letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Repeat different actions: touch, move, sit down, open, close, and stand up.

·           Repeat the simple words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·           Saying the prayer.

·        Identify the simple words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Identify simple words beginning with the letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        Identify the simple sentences with the words beginning with Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

Songs and videos

·        Emotions

·        Five Little Ducks

·        Jolly phonics letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        I’m a little snow man

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل از تاریخ ۱ آذر ماه تا پایان آذر ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات شامل کلماتی که حاوی حروف Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo باشند.

·        واژگانی که با حروف Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo. شروع می شوند.

·        کلمات   I, have, a, the, The, is .


شعر و فیلم

·        Emotions

·        Five Little Ducks

·        Jolly phonics letters Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii, Hh, Ss, Pp, Nn, Ee, Oo.

·        I’m a little snow man.

Newsletter- Azar97-Ms.abolfathi

–Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in 4 weeks since 24th of November to 19th of December.

Skills Contents
Reading ·           The learner can read the story : Run bug , run .

·           The learner can read the story :  Rat , Cat and Pat.
The learner can identify the tricky words : his – her
The learner can identify and read the sounds : i-e , ie , igh

Writing ·        The learner can trace and copy  the letters i-e , ie , igh

·        The learner can trace and copy the tricky words  his – her
The learner can trace and copy the sentences in picture dictionary .

Listening ·        The learner can listen to the letter sounds i-e , ie ,igh

·        The learner can listen to simple words containing the letter sounds i-e , ie , igh

·        The learner can listen to the songs.

·        The learner can listen to t he tricky words .
The learner can listen to the song ‘little snow man’

Speaking ·        The learner can repeat the sounds i-e , ie , igh

·        The learner can repeat the simple words containing the sound i-e , ie . igh

·        The learner can repeat and say the tricky words.
The learner can sing the song ‘ little snow man’
The learner can talk about before and after numbers .
The learner can answering yes / No questions.
The learner can talk about the differences between pictures .

         i-e : kite , five , nine
         ie : pie , tie
igh :
night , light
Parts of the plants :
The learner is able to name the parts of the plants.
·        Before and After :  The learner is able to distinguish before and after numbers.
·        Rat , Cat and Pat.

·        Run bug , run.

Picture Dictionary

  My picture dictionary :   The learner wrote and painted their own picture dictionary .

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع می‌رساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱ تا ۳۰ آ ذرماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.


·        کلمات مربوط  به صداهای       

  i-e : kite , five , nine

·                 ie : pie , tie

·                 igh : night , light


·        قبل و بعد اعداد


·        بخش های متفاوت گیاهان




·      The fat cat

·      Fay and Jay

                              دیکشنری تصویری

دیکشنری تصویری من


Newsletter-Aban97-Group bk

Dear parents:

You are kindly informed that in our English class these subjects have been covered in two since October 23st to November 21st .

Skills Contents
Reading ·        The learner can identify people and objects from descriptions .
The learner can  understand a story and it’s sequence of events of events in a story .
The learner can read the main idea of a text .
The learner can read and understand a web page , reading for specific details .
The learner can ask and answer questions about hobbies .
The learner can read and understand a story of Pinocchio.
Writing ·        The learner can write and answer to addition problems.
The learner can capitalize proper nouns and sentences .
The learner can write e-mails about hobbies .
Listening ·        The learner can identify numbers.
The learner can identify details about different pen pals.
The learner can identify about age , birthday , country and favorite season .
Speaking ·        The learner can ask and answer about birthdays .

·        The learner can ask and answer about age , country and favorite season .
The learner can choose a pen pal .
The learner can pronounce Magic e :
a-e  face
i-e   kite
o-e  rope
u-e   cube
The learner can pronounce words with ar : car , park , shark , star , scarf
The learner can blend consonants .

·         Family members : Grandma , grandpa , mom , dad, aunt , uncle, brother , sister , cousin .
 Months of the year : January , February  , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December .
 Numbers :ten , twenty , thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty , ninety , one hundred , twenty- one , twenty- two , twenty- three , twenty – four , twenty- five , twenty-six , twenty- seven , twenty – eight , twenty-nine .
Names of the countries : South Korea , Vietnam , Mexico , Spain , Thailand , Australia , the U.S.A, Brazil
Seasons : spring , summer , fall , winter

·        Verbs related to the hobbies : read comics , skateboard , do gymnastic, play chess , fish , play basketball , take photos , play volleyball , play the guitar , shop , cook , paint , play the piano , visit family
Continents : Europe , North America , South America , Africa , Antarctica , Asia , Austria
Words related to my things : computer , TV , DVD player , CD player , MP3 player , camera , turn on, turn off

·        Words related to the school project : stickers , posters , comics ,                                 post cards , pins , shells 

·        Simple present with be and have : I’m seven .We have two cousins.

·        Simple past with be : it was  sunny.
The children were happy.
Comparative :
The red car is bigger  than blue car .
Simple present
: Where are you from ?
I’m from Mexico .
Where is he from ?
He’s from Brazil.
Like +verb+ ing
: I like reading.
I don’t like fishing .
Does he like plying chess ?
Yes , he does. / No , he doesn’t .
Your/ our / their :
That’s their CD player .
Can for permission / Request : Can I use your computer ?
Yes , you can . /No , you can’t .
Can you turn off the DVD player , please ?

Story  Pamphlet

Pinocchio :  Students are able to talk about the first chapter of the story . The Pinicchio’s  journey through being a good boy .

نسخه فارسی:

والدین محترم

احتراماً به اطلاع میرساند مطالب ذیل در تاریخ ۱ تا ۳۰ آبان ماه در کلاس زبان کار شده است.

·        کلمات مربوط به اعضای خانواده ، ماههای سال ، اعداد ، اسم کشورها ، کلمات مربوط به علایق فردی ، قاره ها ، کلمات مربوط به وسایل و کلمات مربوط به پروژه مدرسه

دستور زبان


•        Simple present with be and have : I’m seven .We have two cousins.

•        Simple past with be : it was  sunny.

                                     The children were happy.

Comparative : The red car is bigger  than blue car .

Simple present : Where are you from ?

                              I’m from Mexico .

                             Where is he from ?

                              He’s from Brazil.

Like +verb+ ing : I like reading.

                               I don’t like fishing .

                               Does he like plying chess ?

                                Yes , he does. / No , he doesn’t .

Your/ our / their : That’s their CD player .

Can for permission / Request : Can I use your computer ?

                                  Yes , you can . /No , you can’t .

                    Can you turn off the DVD player , please ?

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